Adding Herd Management Numbers

Reference ID:1054


Whereas when using the Lactanet site for identifying animals, the lack of Herd Management numbers can make finding animals tricky.

Whereas using Lactanet’s mobile app should provide better links to the animal’s genetic evaluation summary page on the web site.


Therefore, it is proposed that Lactanet add Herd Management numbers to the animals in their system for display on the web site.

Further be it resolved that the Lactanet Mobile App direct customers to the animal’s genetics profile page on the Lactanet web site with easy access to the other pages.

MoverLindsay GreenoughGreenfield, Nova Scotia
1st SupporterScott MacdonaldSussex, New Brunswick
2nd SupporterPeter SinclairGoshen, Nova Scotia
3rd SupporterAndrew HornbrookSussex, New Brunswick
4th SupporterBen RoyKentville, Nova Scotia