Interpretation of Bull Evaluations for Type Traits

Reference ID:914


Whereas most people only look at a sire’s Genetic Evaluation Summary when purchasing semen or making breeding choices;

Whereas it is difficult to establish a link between the genetics of a sire and the linear evaluation (which corresponds to classification);

Whereas what is shown in a sire proof is the breed average, which is not necessarily the ideal;

Whereas the ideal of classification is well known, but the ideal of genetic traits is little known or unknown;

Whereas the real impact of genetic traits on an animal’s classification or conformation is little known or unknown;

Whereas the interpretation of a sire’s genetic index and the impact on the conformation of its daughters is complex.


Therefore, it is proposed to make the proof interpretation easier by including a link between the genetic figure of a sire’s type traits and the classification result expected from his daughters (linear evaluation). To include the expected classification result compared to the proof average.

MoverReno DesaulniersAmos, Quebec
1st SupporterJulie DuchesneSaint-Narcisse, Quebec
2nd SupporterHans BroenimaanSainte-Perpétue, Quebec
3rd SupporterAlphonse PittetSaint-Tite, Quebec
4th SupporterLouis St-AubinSaint-Clet, Quebec