OCS White Spots

Reference ID:1086


Whereas more and more purebred animals show a coat with white spots.

Whereas an “OCS” white spot must be recorded in the herdbook without affecting the purity of an animal.

Whereas many breeders fail to provide such information.

Whereas the mode of transmission is not clearly defined.


Therefore, it is proposed that, at the time of milk recording, the identification of “OCS” is added to the animal’s information and that an annual statistical follow-up is made.

MoverDave LabrieSt-Cyprien, Quebec
1st SupporterJosée CharronVerchères, Quebec
2nd SupporterIsabelle DupréSt-Germain de Grantham, Quebec
3rd SupporterÉtienne Boivin-CôtéSt-Gédéon, Quebec
4th SupporterMikhaël DaigleSt-Ferdinand, Quebec

Note: OCS refers to Off Colour Spot and this code is used by some breed associations to identify animals with white or off-colour markings that are not representative of the breed characteristics in terms of coat colour and/or pattern. Often the off colour spot is found on the underside of the belly or the animal has a white core in the tail switch. When observed, OCS must be reported to the breed association at the time of application for herdbook registration or if develops after registered. For some breeds, reporting OCS may affect the animal’s eligible level of purity for herdbook registration.