Reducing Herd Sizes for Herd Averages
Reference ID:1053
Whereas a large portion of the Colour Breed breeders have mixed herds and small populations of some breeds.
Whereas having herd averages published is great publicity for the smaller breeds and important data for people to see.
Whereas Breed associations such as Ayrshire Canada recognize herd averages with as few as five completed records while Lactanet requires ten.
Therefore, be it resolved that Lactanet recognize herd averages with as few as five completed records in their annual reports.
Name | Location | |
Mover | Lindsay Greenough | Greenfield, Nova Scotia |
1st Supporter | Scott Macdonald | Sussex, New Brunswick |
2nd Supporter | Peter Sinclair | Goshen, Nova Scotia |
3rd Supporter | Andrew Hornbrook | Sussex, New Brunswick |
4th Supporter | Ben Roy | Kentville, Nova Scotia |
Note: For official annual herd averages, Lactanet requires a minimum of ten completed lactations for Holstein, Jersey and Ayrshire breeds and a minimum of five completed lactations is used for Brown Swiss, Canadienne, Guernsey and Milking Shorthorn.