
Lactanet Canada is the leading dairy herd improvement organization responsible for milk recording, genetic evaluations, herd management software solutions, knowledge transfer and dairy cattle traceability. As a farmer-run organization serving all Canadian dairy producers, Lactanet provides the dairy industry with products and services to help manage their dairy operation for maximum efficiency and profitability. Encouraging producer communication and feedback is part of Lactanet’s collaborative governance model. It is championed by our National Board of Directors and important to ensure dairy producers and the Canadian dairy industry at large is supported for a sustainable and thriving future.

What Are Non-Binding Resolutions?

Resolutions are formal statements to indicate support, satisfaction, dissatisfaction or concerns for matters relating to the direction, policies, programs and/or services of an organization. Resolutions are not binding but intended to provide direction for the Lactanet Board of Directors to consider.

Resolutions Process

The Lactanet Resolutions process is a simple, yet formal process that is open to all licensed dairy farmers in Canada. The Resolutions website allows dairy producers the opportunity to submit, participate in discussions, and vote on non-binding resolutions. The ideas shared are a catalyst for best practices, knowledge sharing and collective evolution.

Resolution Time Line

Each year, Lactanet resolutions will follow a similar time-line below and specific dates will be found on our homepage.

Early November

Resolutions submission opens

Early March

Resolution submission deadline

Mid March

Resolutions posted on-line

End March

Resolution Presentation on-line

Early April

Discussion forum beings on-line

Mid April

Voting begins on-line

End April

Voting results on-line


Consideration of Resolutions by Lactanet Board of Directors


Status posted on carried resolutions